The face that launched 1000+ atrocities

Joseph Kony: the face responsible for far too many atrocities The ugly truth of poaching This week, I’m back in Africa, focusing on just one of the many grave issues swilling about in the fuliginous reality that is poaching: the most contentious issue regarding conservation currently muddying some of our social media channels. Those behind this issue include the poaching Kingpin, Joseph Kony. For years, allegations of corrupt officials, terrorist involvement and debase governments have imperturbably been cast about by apoplectic supporters of iconic animals such as elephants and rhinos. Blame has been laid firmly at the door of the Chinese for their ivory trinkets – a market worth billions. No longer are the poachers’ actions a secret, and organisations and governments alike have vowed to eradicate poaching completely. Not surprisingly, David Attenborough has even voiced his opinion and leading Hollywood heart throb, Le...