Conservation etiquette: are our words causing more harm than good?

How the way we engage with supporters in our campaigns might actually be harming the success of the campaign over time and discrediting our groups. Pilot whales are killed for food during a Grind Being a member of several conservation groups in the UK and abroad, I have had many a scathing debate or heated discussion with those on the pro side of hunting and mindless killing of animals. None of them resulted in a positive solution for either side. This got me thinking. When creating material for a conservation cause or campaign, what kind of language and persuasion should we be using to ensure the success of the campaign? Faroese viewpoints Last year, I learnt an important lesson whilst arguing with the Faroese over the annual Grind. With the likes of Sea Shepherd and other anti-whaling groups bringing the Grind into the media spotlight, the Faroese have had a backlash of criticism and abuse. It’s a very emotive subject with people on both sides impassioned and ex...