Woeful Woburn Forerunnners in UK Trophy Hunting.

Red deer in the Woburn Deer Park who boast of producing the biggest antlers in Europe. (Photo credit: Paul O'Connor) What is trophy hunting? Trophy hunting involves the paying of a fee to hunt an animal for ' the sole purpose of winning a part of its body as a ‘trophy ' , including antlers, heads, skin and bones. It is not something generally associated with the UK. Woburn Estate herald their herd The Woburn Estate Deer Park was set up in 1993 with a vision to maximise the genetics of red deer and produce some of the biggest antlered red deer in the world. The deer are farmed for excellence and the semen of their sires sold. A quick visit to their website and their true intentions become unequivocal: they pride themselves on the size of the antlers, not the health of their deer. The males for sale are numbered, not named. They boast of the size and strength of the males, not the overall health of the herd. Woburn's Deer Park claims to be ...